Ecumenical Vigil in Front of the US Embassy for political prisoners and for those who are politically persecuted in Honduras


Tegucigalpa.- An “Ecumenical Vigil for political prisoners and for those who are politically persecuted Honduras” was held in front of the US Embassy in Tegucigalpa. An international religious delegation from the United States participated in the vigil which was organized by the Convergence against Continuism and the Committee for the Liberation of Political Prisoners.  Seventy five people participated in the delegation including religious leaders and migrants’ rights defenders.

The international delegation, which ends its visit to the country on March 24th, has visited different regions where they learned about the reality that communities resisting extractive industries are facing and the human rights violations that are forcing people to flee their homes and country.

The international delegation accompanied the Convergence against Continuism and the Committee for the Liberation of Political Prisoners during the ecumenical vigil and heard testimony from people who have been victims of human rights violations on the part of the Juan Orlando Hernández regime.

The 2017 post electoral political crisis left over 30 people murdered by state security forces and at least 175 criminalized, three of whom remain in prison.

The vigil began at 6:30 p.m. with cultural acts including musician Karla Lara, a group from the   Iglesia Ágape and poet and painter Roger Robelo, followed by a religious act led by Jesuit priest Ismael Moreno and the pastor of Iglesia Ágape, David del Cid.

“We lift up our brothers in prison and their commitment to justice in Honduras.  This is why we cry out with greater strength for freedom for political prisoners.” Jesuit priest Ismael Moreno.

Participants accompanied the vigil with candles, incense and signs demanding the freedom of political prisoners, Raúl Álvarez, Edwin Espinal and Gustavo Cáceres, who remain in the Tolva maximum security prison and in the prison in El Progreso.

Fr. Ismael Moreno said “I am here to demand that this usurper regime leave and I am happy to be here with all of you because I feel that I am part of the community of Honduras in rebellion.  I feel more brotherhood with those who are part of the Evangelical church present here today, than with a lot of Catholics with whom I do not feel identified.”

The Coordinator of the Committee of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras, (Cofadeh) and member of the coordination of the Convergence against Continuism stated, “We are here to tell the government of the United States to suspend economic assistance for security and defense because that last thing our country has is security and defense. We do not want more militarization because it only leaves us with more pain”.

She said that they had come to the US Embassy to protest because “the dictatorship of Juan Orlando Hernández has consolidated due to the determination of the government of the United States in our country”.

Reverend Deborah Lee, Executive Director of the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity began her speech with the chant, “The people united, with never be defeated.”  She said, “There is great strength among you here, in the streets, in the countryside, in the valleys and in the mountains; you inspire us and we will take your strong message to our Government.”

She added “We are here to learn from the people, not from what the government says; we are here to listen to your histories and testimonies, which we will take to the leaders of our government because together, at your side, we can amplify your voices in the United States.”

She expressed her solidarity with the people of Honduras that suffers economic, political and military violence and the violence of the destruction and theft of their territories and welfare.  “We have a commitment to be with you.” Said the religious leader.